Global Use of SASB Standards

Most numbers are updated on a monthly basis – for more detail, please see the bottom of this page.

Investor and market support

Total current members: 62

Assets under management: 54T USD

Markets represented: 12

Total current member organisations: 402 (197 investors)

Assets under management: 61T USD

39 markets represented

Total current licensees: 395 (237 investors)

Markets represented: 31

Company use

Number of unique reporting companies, by year

Unique reporters are tracked over a two-year period because many companies prepare sustainability reports every other year.

SASB Standards downloads

Involvement in standard-setting input

Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) Credential


  1. The information provided is for general reference purposes only.
  2. Due to differing update schedules, charts and text numbers may not always match. Please contact us for confirmation of most recent numbers.